We provide exterior house washing services to make your home look new again.
Your home’s exterior requires routine maintenance the same way that your HVAC and plumbing systems do. Regular exterior house washing services can prolong the life of your siding, roof, deck, patio, fencing, and more. At ClearView Window Cleaning and SoftWash, our skilled technicians can provide the right methods to protect and maintain your home’s outdoor appearance.
Not only are contaminants like dirt and algae unsightly, but they can also damage the structure of your home, driveway, or other exterior surfaces. If left unchecked for too much time, mold, pollen, and grime may begin filling the cracks and corners of your structures, which can require expensive repairs or lead to health challenges for you and your family.
To prevent damage to your home, we offer a few exterior house washing methods to best suit your needs:
- Soft washing: Soft washing is a gentler alternative to pressure washing that uses eco-friendly substances to eliminate common contaminants. This method works well for all exterior materials, and this is our method of choice the large majority of the time.
- Pressure washing: This method will reduce grime, algae, dirt, and mold that can make your surfaces look worn out. Pressure washing can work well for cleaning tough, durable surfaces like driveways, stone walkways, and garage floors.
- Sanitizing: There’s a difference between cleaning and sanitizing, and our professional team can successfully complete both tasks to keep your outdoor area beautiful and safe for your family.
If you need exterior house washing services in the Lawrence, Kansas area, we encourage you to reach out to us today for a free estimate.
At ClearView Window Cleaning and SoftWash, we offer exterior house washing services in Topeka, Lawrence, Wamego, Saint Marys, Auburn, Carbondale, Holton, Lyndon, Osage City, Oskaloosa, Overbrook, Rossville, Silver Lake, and Valley Falls, Kansas.