Caring for Your Fence After Fence Soft Washing

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Few things are as bright and classy as a white picket fence. But in the world of the outdoors, with dirt, pollen, and mildew, white fences don’t stay that color for long. Fortunately, fence soft washing can restore your fence to its former, cheerful glory. While cleaning is best left to a professional to ensure the safest and most effective results, there are things you can do after having your fence soft washed to keep it in good condition.

Caring for Your Fence After Fence Soft Washing

Schedule Fence Soft Washing Often

Busy schedules can sweep you away sometimes, and cleaning your fence may get forgotten, since it isn’t one of your top priorities. But scheduling regular fence soft washing is one key way you can keep your fence in good condition. An annual cleaning can help get rid of the mold and algae which would otherwise damage your fence if left unchecked—and improve its aesthetic appeal.

Paint or Seal

If you have an unpainted wood fence, you know how beautiful natural wood is. Painting it might not match your aesthetic goals, but you should still think about how you can protect the wood from the elements. Your wood fence can last up to fifteen years with proper care, so with a little extra attention, you can look forward to enjoying it for a long while. One way to protect the fence and retain the natural look is through wood sealant, which can protect your fence from the elements with just a little extra shine.

If you’re planning to repaint or seal your wood fence, doing so after fence soft washing is a great time to do so, as your fence will be free of dirt and debris. However, to prevent any paint bubbling or other issues, it’s important you wait until the fence is completely dry. During warm, sunny weather, your fence may be ready to paint after two days, but if it’s chilly or rainy, meaning there is more moisture in the air, you should wait a few more days to make sure the fence is fully dry.

Keeping these few tips in mind will ensure you can enjoy a clean, quality fence for a long time to come!